Charity Merger

On the 1st October, Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT), of which Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital is a part, and University Hospital of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust (UHSM) will be merging to form a new Trust called Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.
At the same time, the Charities of both Trusts will also merge to become Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Charity – to be known as Manchester Foundation Trust (MFT) Charity, registered charity number 1049274. The merger presents an exciting and unique opportunity to join together, and through our combined charitable efforts, ensure that our hospitals, including Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, are the very best they can be.
Supporters of Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital Charity should not notice any changes as a result of the merger. As a Charity we will continue to support excellence in treatment, research and care to support the 260,000 children and families that we care for each year. If you wish to find out more about the merger, you can read our Frequently Asked Questions or contact a member of the Charity Team on 0161 276 4522.
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