Charitable Funds and Foundations
Major Donors
Major Donors
Each year, we receive significant support from generous individuals. These gifts make a considerable difference to our patients and their families across Greater Manchester. These committed individuals help to fund our most ambitious projects and ensure we can continue to support our Trust’s world-class care and facilities.
Our dedicated team strives to nurture lasting relationships with our donors and is committed to working in partnership with you. We want you to feel proud of supporting us, so we keep you up-to-date with the progress of your gift, ensuring that you know the real value that you bring to our family of hospitals.
Your donation can transform the experience of our patients and their families by supporting world-class treatment, research and care.
To learn more about the difference we can make together please contact Elizabeth Coulson – Senior Manager for Philanthropy – on elizabeth.coulson@mft.nhs.uk or call 0161 276 4522.
We value working in partnership with our generous funders and we have a range of ‘live’ projects that you could contribute to. Alternatively, we are happy to collaborate to identify a project that more closely aligns with your interests. We’d be happy to meet with you and could arrange a tour of any of our 10 hospitals to find an area where you feel your funding could achieve your aims whilst making a difference to our patients and their families.
Our team is experienced at producing reports that demonstrate what has been made possible through charitable funding. We are committed to the reporting requirements of our funders and will provide timely, meaningful updates at agreed points. It is also possible to arrange a visit so you’re able to see first-hand the impact your donation has made.
We will work with you to communicate your Charitable Trust’s support in whichever way you wish. If you would like your gift to remain anonymous, we will not include details of it in any of our communication channels, including on our website, social media or in our annual report or impact reports. Alternatively, you can choose which channels you would like us to publicise your support.
MFT has policies for recognising charitable support in our hospitals and these can be shared with donors when considering making a donation.
Our primary aim is to spend as much as possible on our vital services to help support patients across MFT. We are very mindful of how we spend our money – 75p in every £1 goes straight to MFT’s vital services and 25p goes to fund the running and development of the charity. This breakdown is standard practice across the charitable sector and comparable to other NHS charities of our size.
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