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Manchester Foundation
Trust Charity


Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisations

Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisations are the pioneering community arm of MFT. The LCOs provide a wide range of NHS community services across Greater Manchester for both adults and children. 

These services are delivered in patients’ own homes and other locations such as health clinics and centres, nursing homes, schools and GP surgeries. This ensures that patients can receive the care they require as close to home as possible. 

Services span a broad rage, from newborn hearing screening all the way through to end of life care. There are around 100 individual community teams who provide over 1.4 million NHS patient contacts each year. Over 3,000 MFT NHS community staff are deployed to the LCOs. 

The core aim of the LCOs is to improve health outcomes for people, preventing people from needing to go in to hospital where possible. They also work to get people back home sooner, with the right care in place, if they do need to spend time in hospital.

As well as working together to provide day to day health and care services, the LCOs have a role in working with local people, partners and voluntary groups to improve health and wellbeing in their neighbourhoods.

Learn more about how your support can have an impact for Manchester and Trafford Local Care Organisations and the hospitals and services across our trust.

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