Manchester Royal Eye Hospital
Manchester Royal Eye Hospital (MREH) is a specialist hospital that works to identify, treat and prevent eye conditions for the people of Greater Manchester. Since 1814, the hospital has provided world-class ophthalmic services and are the major provider of eye care for patients in the North West and beyond.
Each year, the hospital’s 650 staff undertake over 200,000 outpatient appointments, perform 10,000 operations, and see more than 25,000 new patients, making MREH the second largest eye hospital in the UK.
Responding quickly across services is critical in the race to save sight. As one of the largest centres of eye research in the UK, the hospital is constantly working to find new solutions and develop innovations to tackle the future of eye health.
One such innovation is the development of new treatments for glaucoma, which is one of the leading causes of sight loss in the UK and affects around 70 million people worldwide. MREH are pioneers in this area, and three patients have even been the first in the UK to test a new surgical implant to drain excess eye fluid caused by the disease.
Learn more about how your support can have an impact for Manchester Royal Eye Hospital and the hospitals and services across our trust.
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