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Manchester Foundation
Trust Charity

New Rooftop Playground Unveiled at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

Superstar fundraisers Hughie and Freddie helped to open the new space

Tuesday 01st October 2024

The rooftop play area at our Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital has received an exciting new revamp thanks to our 2023 Christmas appeal. The new space was unveiled yesterday at a special event we organised to say thank you to the donors and fundraisers that have made the project possible.

Situated on the third floor of RMCH, the rooftop provides a crucial space for play, escape and fresh air, giving our young patients the opportunity for a welcome break from the ward, whilst still remaining within the safe confines of the hospital. After 15 years of use, the much-loved area has now received a full revamp, thanks to our fundraising appeal.

The space is a significant place for children, young people and parents at the hospital. Not only does it provide a safe, calm and secluded place for play and escape, providing fresh air for children spending weeks, months or even years in hospital, it also provides a place for quiet and reflection. The rooftop also provides an area for children and families to create positive memories during upsetting times.

The new rooftop space features an updated bright and colourful space-themed soft rubber floor, a ‘Huggy Pod’ outdoor quiet cabin, interactive outdoor music equipment including melodic tubing and percussion and outdoor projector, as well as updated seating and tables, lighting and artwork. New toys, play tents, a summer house and added furniture are also set to be added to the area next month.

Therapeutic and Specialised Play Service and Events Manager for RMCH, Susan Fairclough said: “The rooftop is a crucial part of the Play Team’s work and we’re delighted to see the space
revamped with such an array of features to make children and young people’s experiences in the hospital better. We can’t wait to get out there with the children and make the most of such an important space.”

Part of the updated flooring is a nod to our teenage fundraising heroes Hughie and Freddie. The floor features Hughie and Freddie’s spacewalk, inspired by the duo’s impressive fundraising to date, which has contributed to the appeal, along with generous donations from the public and local businesses.

September marks four years since Hughie’s cancer diagnosis, with his treatment at RMCH finishing in January of this year.

Hughie says: “I still remember the first time I went up to the rooftop play area. I’d been in hospital about five or six weeks at that point. I wasn’t well enough to leave the hospital, so it was such a nice feeling being outside again, but knowing I was safe and still in the hospital. The transformation of the space is amazing.”

Freddie says: “I am really proud of what Hughie and I have been able to achieve together and it is amazing to see the new rooftop space. We hope it will be a special place for children to have fun and feel safe whilst going through a scary time in their lives.”

Those in attendance at the rooftop launch event included Hughie and Freddie, Mrs Diane Hawkins JP LLB, His Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Greater Manchester, MFT Chairman Kathy Cowell OBE DL and actor and Manchester Foundation Trust patron Cath Tyldesley, with all four involved in the ceremonial ribbon cutting.

Angela Rowe, Deputy Director of Manchester Foundation Trust Charity said: “We’re delighted to be able to unveil this fantastic new space at Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital and on behalf of Manchester Foundation Trust Charity I would like to thank everyone that supported this vital charity project. This space will improve the lives of so many children and families using the services here at the hospital and we hope many treasured memories become associated with the rooftop in the future.”

Kathy Cowell OBE DL, Chairman of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust said: “This event marks the end of a project that has seen so many people working together across the Trust for a common goal and the result is a wonderful rooftop space that will benefit so many children and families for years to come. The fundraising stories associated with this space are inspirational and it’s great to see them reflected in the design and artwork. I would like to personally thank everyone that has been involved in this project and commend them for creating such a special place.”

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