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Manchester Foundation
Trust Charity

Manchester Burns Camp

Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital

Manchester Burns Camp



Burn injuries can require years of painful treatments and aftercare and children can face many problems adapting to their scars, rebuilding their self-confidence and reintegrating into a society that isn’t always kind to people who look different. Manchester Burns Camp provides a space to help burn-injured young people to increase their self-esteem and support their rehabilitation.

The very first Manchester Burns Camp residential took place in 1993, and regular annual residentials have taken place since 1998.

Burns Camps provide activities designed to help children face the challenges they encounter following a burn injury in an atmosphere of fun, support and rehabilitation. Alongside the residential activity, burns camp also organises day activities to provide opportunities for the wider family such as siblings to get involved. The Manchester Burns Camp is the only camp in the UK to work in partnership with the fire and rescue service.

Through physical activities such as rock-climbing, abseiling, canoeing and caving they can help young people build confidence and self-esteem and to help children develop positive feelings about their bodies. The teamwork at the residential help improve their social skills. The day activities within the local area provide children with an opportunity face the public with support of each other. Through all the fun activities the burns camp are helping children to learn effective coping strategies for dealing with difficult situations like being teased.

Since 2010 we’ve provided over £350,000 of funding to provide over 400 places at the residential burns camp and enabled 222 patients and siblings to attend a day activity.

Amy’s story

31-year-old Amy Meadows was cared for by the Burns Unit at Booth Hall Children’s Hospital and later as an adult at Wythenshawe Hospital.

“I attended Manchester Children’s Burns Camp for three years. My parents noticed a positive difference in me when I returned home. Camp made me realise that it was OK to be upset or angry but also helped me to feel happy and comfortable. It was validation that it was ok to be happy. It also gave me assurance that I can celebrate where I am and be comfortable in my decisions.

After the three years of attending children’s camp, I attended the young adult camps for 17–25-year-olds for the whole nine years I was able to! I even attended a burns camp in America!

In 2019, as I was no longer a patient, I made the change from burns camp participant to burns camp leader. It is truly special to be a leader, I get so much enjoyment from the camps. It touches my heart to know that I will be able to help children who were like me – at the start of their journey – and that we can get them to a place where they feel comfortable.”

 Watch the video:

“It’s absolutely changed my life. It’s given me confidence and self-assurance. It’s given me my smile back. Without camp who knows where I would be.”

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