Manchester Foundation Trust Charity
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Charlie takes on Lantern Walk to say thank you for her life-saving RMCH care
Young fundraiser Charlie Drinkwater to take on MFT Charity Lantern Walk to say thank you for her life-saving care

Frankie Crowther and her family are one of many taking part in Lantern Walk to say thank you for their care
Taking part in this year’s Lantern Walk to say thank you to Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital (RMCH) – part of Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust (MFT) – are the parents of Francesca “Frankie” Crowther, Bethany and Jordan. 14-month-old Frankie was diagnosed in the womb with bladder exstrophy, a rare condition that affects roughly 1 in 40,000 children.

Jennie McAlpine and Mike Toolan at Wythenshawe Hospital Starlight Unit
Coronation Street star Jennie McAlpine and Hits Radio DJ and presenter Mike Toolan brought some added stardust to Wythenshawe Hospital this week, as they made paper lanterns with young patients on the hospital’s Starlight Children’s Unit.

From malaria to multi-marathon fundraising
Less than six months after being discharged, Prav is taking on a host of gruelling running challenges to raise money in aid of the hospital that saved his life.

Manchester Charity Dragon Boat Challenge 2023
Hundreds gathered for the second annual Manchester Charity Dragon Boat Challenge, with over £18,000 being raised for our Charity!

Great Manchester Run 2023
The Great Manchester Run is our favourite running event of the year, with so many of your coming out to support. The event brings a buzz to the city centre like no other – it simply has to be experienced.
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